Wednesday, June 3, 2009

T19.39 coord 42.30057 -87.99712 alt 682.4ft spd0.5mph hdg 342.1 tmp 72f 4.221v dbm -54.37 snr 2601


  1. Looks like the south edge of the soccer field, except spinning faster :)
    (42.299000, -87.999500)

    Even just a few feet off the ground the Signal/Noise ratio is junk.

    20000 is about perfect, 10000 is good, 2000 is marginal, and less than 500 we can't send anything.

  2. Crappy antenna. We need to find something better than stock but not as nutty as V2.

  3. Yeah.... well... we'll get over Lake Michigan and then the updates will be PLENTIFUL. ha ha.

    But really, it should head across IN, OH, then Pennsylvania. At 20 MPH it'll be in Columbus by the morning.
